Collin Farell (I) - nie inaczej, or Samantha Jane Morton I
Angie McAlister, usual girl with a small town (Orange spot in black).
I hate my life !!!!!!! LET IT returned better !!!!!!!!!!!!!
telephone/telefon - biały myPhone, I don't use. [Get me out !!!!!]
Wyjechały z mojej piwiarni dwa białe samochody, jeden mniejszy. brrrrrr
Otworzyli mi następny super market [in my town].
I have now my own laptop - Thinkpad without a mouse. Get me out from/at my even room-house!!!!! NOW
get me, now!!!!!!!!!!!! (hurry!!!!!! please!!!!!)
You, please, hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My bitter strawberries get out!!!!!!!!!
You, (should be) will be hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is a socialist? Greece is now communist (komunistyczna).