mniam mniam :D;*** /trening/szkoła/trening
Let it GoOo, no more fight for you. // angielski.
Let it GoOo, no more fight for you.
dyskoteka z Klaudiąąą ;*** ajjj. :) / Tylko Ty ;**
Baby, you're all that I want. ;* :)
nuuuuuudno :/ . // Baby, you're all that I want. ;*
Baby, you're all that I want ;***
bo Ty nadajesz wszystkiemu sens ;**
Ty jesteś moim skarbem, wiesz? 'szalenie kocham troche Cie':*:*
Do You really want to HURT me? Do You really want to make me CRY?
Do You really want to hurt me? Do You really want to make me cry?
Do You really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?