Jeśli kogoś kochasz możesz znaleźć się w dowolnym miejscu a i tak będziesz niewiarygodnie szczęśliwa. Jeśli nie kochasz nie zmieni tego najwspanialsze łoże w najbardzi
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
Jeśli kogoś kochasz, możesz znaleźć się w dowolnym miejscu, a i tak będziesz niewiarygodnie szczęśliwa. Jeśli nie kochasz, nie zmieni tego najwspanialsze łoże w najbardziej luksusowym hotelu
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
I don’t want to look back in five years time and think, ‘We could have been magnificent, but I was afraid.’ In 5 years I want to tell of how fear tried to cheat me out of the best thing in life, and I didn’t let it
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
Do you ever just smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple minutes
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
Boys laugh at what they put girls through, but they won’t be laughing when they are wiping tears off their daughter’s face for the same reason
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
If you look close enough you can see right through me. I pour vodka into my morning juice and smile. You can’t hurt me like I hurt myself
hagg dodano: 5 grudnia 2014 |
Suddenly you’re 21 and you’re screaming along in the car to all the songs you listened to when you were sad in middle school and everything is different but everything is good
hagg dodano: 28 października 2014 |
Ta dziewczyna to anioł, a to co przeżyła to piekło, mimo to jedyne co wyczytasz z jej twarzy to piękno
hagg dodano: 28 października 2014 |
Don’t bring up the past of a person who is trying to improve their future
hagg dodano: 18 sierpnia 2014 |
Time helps. It is slow and painful but it works. Talking helps, going out with other people, seeing friends and she’ll be like a book you read long time ago. If it’s meant to be there will be again and if it’s not, you will wake up one day and realize that you haven’t thought of her once. And then you will be free
hagg dodano: 18 sierpnia 2014 |
I don’t care about losing people who don’t wanna be in my life anymore. I’ve lost people who meant the world to me and I’m still doing just fine
hagg dodano: 18 sierpnia 2014 |
My first love was everything all at once. The kind you never fall back from. Never try to. Never want to. A love so big, so strong, it never dies. Never fades. Never loses it’s electricity. The kind of love you fight for. The kind of boy you fight for
hagg dodano: 18 sierpnia 2014 |
It wasn’t that long, and it certainly wasn’t the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever