głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
emika89 Music's the reason why I know time still exists Music's the reason why I know time still exists HEROES : poszłam sobie Music's the reason why I know time still


Music's the reason why I know time still exists
Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists

Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists HEROES : )

poszłam sobie teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

poszłam sobie

Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists szlag by trafił gg!

Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists

działam! teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009


poszłam sobie teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

poszłam sobie

Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists HEROES : )

Music's the reason why I know time... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Music's the reason why I know time still exists

If I were to be alone silence would... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears

Don't know if this world is where I... teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

Don't know if this world is where I want to be Maybe we could find a plan

ha! zadziałało! teksty

emika89 dodano: 10 lipca 2009

ha! zadziałało!

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