Daughter: Goodnight dad love you. Dad: Love you to. Son: Goodnight dad love you. Dad: Son before you go to bed can i ask you something. Son: What.. Dad: Are you f
Daughter: Goodnight dad love you.
Dad: Love you to.
Son: Goodnight dad love you.
Dad: Son before you go to bed can i ask you something.
Son: What..
Dad: Are you f*cking gay.
Showers aren't just for cleaning, and some people don't go in just for cleaning.... It's for...
A place thinking about life...
A place when your depressed...
A place to sing without getting embarrassed...
A place for alone time...
A place to get warmth...
Showers are amazing.
Teacher: "Have you done your homework?"
Student: "Have you graded my test?"
Teacher: "No, I have other student's stuff to grade"
Student: "I have other teacher's homework to do"
A black man walks to a bar. a white man says: "colored people are not allowed in here." the black man says: "when i'm born i'm black; when i'm cold i'm black; when i'm sick i'm black and when i'm dead i'm black! but when you're born you're pink; when you're cold you're blue; when you're sick you're green and when you're dead you're purple! yet you have the nerve to call me colored?!"
When i was little i used to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up in bed, now i pass out on the sofa and wake up on the floor.
znają mnie osoby o których istnieniu nie mam KURWA ZIELONEGO pojęcia...
elenkag dodał komentarz: |
12 marca 2011 |
Myślisz, że nie wiem, ale ja wiem.
Coś mi się chce, ale nie wiem co.
mamo, moich przyjaciół naprawdę nie obchodzi to czy mam posprzątane w pokoju tylko czy jest coś do jedzenia :)