Look at the red red changes in the sky..
Look at the red, red changes in the sky..
Look at the red, red changes in the sky.. || ęgielski xD
Look at the red, red changes in the sky.. || engielski xD
łaa.. umieram z nudów. znowu.
polski opis.. polski opis.. bla bla bla
łaa.. umieram z nudów. znowu.
okrutna Aga. okrutna, OKRUTNA!
Look at the red, red changes in the sky..
Look at the red, red changes in the sky.. || ale fajna burza xD
Look at the red, red changes in the sky.. || my head.. ;/
We live in a beautiful world.. well.. kinda.. -.-'
Look at the red, red changes in the sky..