Even though the world she loves,
It wont ever be the way it was,
And his h
I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
and I can't
This is 10 percent luck?20 percent skill?15 percent concenrated power of w
Even though the world she loves,
It wont ever be the way it was,
And his h
Tear in two, she lies awake,
The moon lights up the room like day
Another night she spends alone,
Without his touch of skin so cold
Another night she spends alone
Without his touch
Her skin so cold
This is 10 percent luck
20 percent skill
15 percent concenrated power of w
This is 10 percent luck?20 percent skill?15 percent concenrated power of w
Kiss and tell everybody else that you're on you're best when I'm making ba
Kiss and tell everybody else
That you're on your best
While I'm making bab