What do I have to do why can't this hurt be through I'm going head unto something I know I will fail. KoRn Kiss
What do I have to do, why can't this hurt be through, I'm going head unto something I know I will fail. /KoRn, Kiss
We're getting lost again tonight, why don't you join our acid crew?
Konie są braćmi wiatru / in honor to Havre de Grace, 2011 HOTY
Friends are like potatoes. When you eat them, they die.
So save your breath, I will not hear, I think I made it very clear, You couldn't hate enough to love, Is that supposed to be enough? I only wish you weren't my friend, Then I could hurt you in the end, I never claimed to be a saint.
Through these fileds of destruction, baptisms of fire, I've watched you all suffering as the battle raged higher. And though they did hurt me so bad, in the fear and alarm, you did not desert me my brothers in arms. /Dire Straits
A kiedy już myślisz, że nic więcej ci nie zostało, że nie możesz już nic stracić, zawsze znajduje się kolejna rzecz, której zostajesz pozbawiony.
Wiem, że umrę w jakiejś śmierdzącej padliną jamie, rozszarpany przez gryfa, lamię lub mantikorę. Ale na wojnie nie chcę umierać, bo to nie jest moja wojna. /Geralt z Rivii, 'Krew Elfów'
So if you love me let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just to dark to care
I can't destroy what isn't there.
/Slipknot, Snuff
Nigdy nie należy dawać więcej, niż jest się gotowym stracić.
People think i stopped lying, but I've just gotten better at it.