A w środku ? W środku czuję się beznadziejnie .
A w środku ?
W środku czuję się beznadziejnie .
` In my shoes just to see
What it's like to be me
I'll be you, lets trade shoes
Just to see what it be like to
Feel your pain, you'll feel mine
Well go inside each others minds
Just to see what we find
Look at shit through each others eyes ` / Eminem
jestem gotowa przeżyć wieczność tylko ,
gdy będę mieć pewność , że będziesz obok .
jestem .
bo Ty jesteś .
i Ty musisz o tym wiedzieć .
Czuła się przy nim tak wyróżniona i tak jedyna,
jak przy nikim innym na świecie.
< 33
` The most beautiful gifts in the world can't be held in the hands , but can only be held in the HEART . `
/ GBatiste
You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else .
It's easier to go down a hill rather than up , but the view is much better at the top .
overthinking causes unwanted emotions .
Im not where i need to be , but thank god i'm not where i used to be .
Any pain you feel will never compare to the regret that comes from walking away from love .
It's hard to stay mad at anyone for very long if you still want them in your life . . there's always something you can't wait to tell them .