You have to trust in something Your destiny life karma whatever Because believing that the dots will connect down the road Will give you the confidence to f
` You have to trust in something
Your destiny , life , karma , whatever
Because believing that the dots will connect down the road
Will give you the confidence to follow your heart
Even when it leads you off the well worn path
And that will make all the difference .. `
Steve Jobs
A smile that lights the face will also warm the heart . / Vikrant Parsai
` If you complain about the taste of food , it means you are not hungry . ` / Vikrant Parsai
You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope ..
She felt everything too deeply . It was like the world was too much ..
Do you know what hurts the most about a broken heart ? Not being able to remember how you felt before ..
What we choose to remember , is often forgotten . What we try to forget , never leaves our mind .
I really do hope that one day , the tears will dry , the scars will fade and your heart will finally be fixed .
With some people , the only way to win is to refuse to play .
when someone enters a place that makes them feel safe and is asked about the reason , they always reply that they don't really know .. /Bleach
` mam przed oczami foto na nim Twój uśmiech ,
zawsze mnie wspiera w drodze po sukces `
` Ja biorę głęboki wdech , ale nic to nie daje
Nie widzę już kolorów , teraz wszystko jest szare
Hip-Hop jest darem i nigdy mnie nie zdradził
Zostaję z nim we dwójkę , bo mam tyle odwagi .. `