`Więc Bracie, chwyć siostre za reke niech poczuje milość.. '' ;*******
`Więc Siostro, chwyć brata za reke niech poczuje milość.. '' ;********
`But you're just a boy. Someday you wish, you were a better man..'' ;/
`But you're just a boy. Simeday you wish, you were a better man..'' ;/
`But you're just a boy. Smoeday you wish, you were a better man..'' ;/
.`I call the shots .. '' ;/.. ;* ..
`There's only two types of boys,ones that can hang with me,ones scared
`You are womanizer Baby.. '' .. ;( .. ;/
;( .. ;/ .. tV z tatuskiem ^^ .. sygnał i jestem ;D
dwóR ;D .. z pokemonami ^^ .. bD o 19 ;) .. eS ;*