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Maniuś niepierdol ! teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

Maniuś niepierdol !

Maniuś nie denerwuj sie bo złość... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

Maniuś nie denerwuj sie bo złość pięknośći szkodzi xD .. ;*

 I'm becomin' where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`I'm becomin' where dreams are made of ..' sprzatam

 I'm becomin' where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`I'm becomin' where dreams are made of ..' szyk.

 I'm becoming where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`I'm becoming where dreams are made of ..' japierdole

 once was a true love but now it is... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`once was a true love but now it is shit ..' sprzatam

 once was a true love but now it is... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`once was a true love but now it is shit ..'

 once was a true love but now it is... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 27 grudnia 2009

`once was a true love but now it is shit ..' japierdole

 I'm becoming where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 26 grudnia 2009

`I'm becoming where dreams are made of ..' japierdole

 I'm becoming where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 26 grudnia 2009

`I'm becoming where dreams are made of ..' ;]

 I'm becoming where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 26 grudnia 2009

`I'm becoming where dreams are made of ..' na mieśćie :) tel.

 I'm becoming where dreams are made... teksty

Kjaulaa2606 dodano: 26 grudnia 2009

`I'm becoming where dreams are made of ..' szyk.

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