dlaczego wszyscy maja smutne wiesci a mnie problemy tez nie omijaja;/!
pojechałam do siostry:D:Dbede kiedys:D:*:P:P
Come in to my dream, Let me show you where I've been...odpoczywam;]
Come in to my dream, Let me show you where I've been...nudaa;/obiadZ/W
Come in to my dream, Let me show you where I've been...nudaa;/
Come in to my dream, Let me show you where I've bean...nudaa;/
Come in to my dream, Let me show you where I've bean...
w miescie z siostra:D:Djak co to kom:*:*:*całusy dla......;>:*:*
zaraz do miasta:DPISAC:P:P;>
TV, sen, sen, o...tajemnica:D:D