: Stay with me sway me thrill me hold me :
*: -^ Stay with me, sway me, thrill me, hold me ^- :*
| (: Gdzieś się plątam z Donią ^^ :)
>:-> .you didn't know that no don't mean yes, it means no.
:-i We're still losin control i-:
*: -^ Stay with me, sway me, thrill me, hold me^- :*
*: -^ Stay with me, sway me, thrill me, hold me ^- :*
*:...Make me thrill as only you know how...:*
*:...Dear, but my eyes will see only you...:*
...i nie ma takiego kłamstwa, w które uwierzę...
. . . i nie ma takiego kłamstwa, w które uwierzę . . .