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[ Life is not the same, without You.. ]
[Life is not the same, without You..]
Life is not the same, without You..
StandingInTheRain, CallingOutYourName, LifeIsNotTheSame, Without You..
'Myśli głęboko w sercu, gdy budzi je wiatr...' /ale beka, Karolinaa!
'Myśli głęboko w sercu, gdy budzi je wiatr...'
'Myśli głeboko w sercu, gdy budzi je wiatr...'
StandingInTheRain, CallingOutYourName, LifeIsNotTheSame, Without You..
StandingInTheRain, CallingOutYourName, LifeIsNotTheSame, WithoutYou..
CallingOut YourName